Effective Drug Programs and Policies' Promotion


To promote effective drug programs, policies, and practices to reduce the demand for drugs; community coalition building; and the exchange of scientific information via conferences, training seminars and internet communications.


To promote healthy lifestyles free of drugs.

To advocate no use of illegal drugs and no abuse of legal drugs, including alcohol, tobacco and solvents.

To oppose legalization of drugs.

To support the United Nations Conventions and Treaties concerning drugs and psychotropic substances.


Latest News

How Do I Pay For Drug Rehab in Georgia?

Drug abuse still remains one of the most terrible and deadly addictions that affect people of all ages. In order to get the next dose and pleasure, an addict is capable of anything. But it is especially scary that drug addiction is taking over adolescents. All over the world, people die every day from overdose,…


Over the last three decades, the advocates of drug-legalization have employed a number of political and legal strategies to legitimize smoking marijuana. One of their strategies is to promote smoked marijuana as “medicine.” They provide misleading and inaccurate information that smoking marijuana can help ill people. The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will not…

Cannabis – The Truth

Paper presented at the Maxie Richards Foundation Conference Glasgow Oct 2003. Cannabis or marijuana, is our commonest illegal drug, currently used in Britain by around 3.2 million people. Most of them are totally unaware of its damaging effects, especially on the brain. There are now in excess of 15,000 scientific papers on cannabis. None of…

Students turn to Adderall to get by

SMU Daily Campus By Abbie Steffler, Contributing Writer December 05, 2005 As one Southern Methodist University sophomore maps out her week of three tests, one quiz and one 10-page English paper, she fears nothing, because she’s got Adderall fighting on her side. “I’ll just pop a few Addies and I’m good to go,” this student…

Meth Fires Claiming More Victims

AP News Wed Mar 30, 2005 By BILL POOVEY, Associated Press Writer NASHVILLE, Tenn. – At a conference on the scourge of methamphetamine, one item on the agenda was a tour of a seemingly unlikely place: a burn unit. Legislators, doctors, social workers and law officials — including the federal government’s second highest-ranking drug czar…

2C-I: A new, illegal drug available online

Monica Robins  WKYC-TV (Cleveland) May 19, 2006 If you think drug dealers are hanging out on street corners or near schools targeting children, it’s time for a wake-up call. Thousands of them are now reaching out through the internet. That’s the case with a relatively new drug that’s dangerous but for sale online. Packages filled…

The failure of Dutch drug policy

According to a programme, broadcast by the Dutch Netwerk-TV on March 12, 2000 it’s obvious that there is increasing, domestic criticism of the Dutch drug policy. This unique television programme is the first to ‘allow’ massive domestic criticism of what the advocates of a ‘tolerant’ drug policy have defined as “innovative and pragmatic.” Having watched…

Marijuana use affects fertility treatment outcomes

By Will Boggs, MD, March 31, 2006 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The likelihood of a good outcome of fertility treatment is reduced if either the man or the woman uses marijuana, compared with couples that don’t use it, the results of a new study suggest. If these study findings are confirmed by additional research,…